Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Put your mask on first!

Yes I know early LOL but I have a reason for starting to think ahead. I want to reach my goals this year. I remember in grade 7 being taught to write New Year's Resolutions and I think we even had to set dates. But no one actually taught me how to break that down into measurable steps and so that was the last time, that I every made a New Year's Resolution. So what makes this year different? I have new skill sets, I have objectives that I have broken down into measurable steps that I can take each and every day.

Now, if you are like me, weight and health are top priority. For me, this year that is especially important. And so I have chosen to take measurable steps to ensure that I am in top shape and health. I want to see my children have children and to do that I know that I need to put my mask on first. I need to ensure that I take care of me, so that I can take care of those that are important to me. And in fact, I am not going to wait until New Year's I am going to jump in right now!

If this sounds like you, then why not join me?

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