Saturday, 2 March 2013

Beachbody March Specials!!!

To follow up on my earlier post....Beachbody is offering two specials for the month of March and ONLY for the month of March. If you were looking at a time to purchase Beachbody products, now is the time to get in!!!

One of the first promotions that Beachbody is offering is on Shakeology. Earlier this year, Beachbody reformulated their Shakeology by listening to you! The new formula is smoother without a bitter aftertaste. If you are unfamiliar with Shakeology, each glass contains 70 nutrients. Check out this video explaining it all by the P90x famous Tony Horton!

After March, Beachbody is increasing the price of shakeology. So now is the chance to get their current price locked in. As of April 1, 2013 Shakeology will increase by $10.00. What does this mean for you? If you order Shakeology on home delivery (HD), then you will never see an increase in your price in your life. That means, no matter if the price ever goes up again, as long as you maintain your HD status, your price will never go up.

So NOW is the time!!!! If you were looking to change diet, loose weight, control cravings, then this is the time for you!!!!

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